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3 votes

Phone with physical keypad and hotspot

The big issue you're going to run into is the need for a hotspot. While there are still recycled and cheap phones made by one or two manufacturers which possess the other features, it's very rare ...
CDove's user avatar
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Gigabit LTE mobile routers with ethernet

The Huawei E5788u-96a is a LTE router with CAT16 speeds Another option is the Huawei H112-372 https://www.router-...
Lawrence's user avatar
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2 votes

Small (<4") smartphone with 4G

I like "small" phones too, mine is a 4G / 4GB / 64GB 5' Redmi with Android. Couldn't find smaller that fits my needs. It's powerful, reliable, paid $120 for it, even if too big for you. But a quick ...
user13760's user avatar
2 votes

Which LTE antennas to buy for a passive repeater?

Direct Answer: Use a directional antenna outside: The Kaser Pannel you referenced or these Log Periodic and Panel alternatives. Use an omnidirectional antenna inside: well tuned indoor antennas or ...
Alphy13's user avatar
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High range outdoors router?

In this case, I would suggest running an ethernet cable from the LTE access point to the place where you need the wifi signal and add the router there. While you may be able to find a router with a ...
Salocor's user avatar
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2-in-1 phablet/laptop - detachable keyboard, long battery life, 3G/4G sim slot

You may want to consider the Microsoft Surface 3 LTE. I have one myself, and really like it. I specifically purchased it for it's built-in LTE capability, because I find looping WiFi through a phone ...
T.J.L.'s user avatar
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Small (<4") smartphone with 4G

Most smartphones brands are making phones bigger and even Samsung phones, they're all 5 inches or bigger. With that said, you have a Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact which costs about 430 EUR. It's a compact ...
CaldeiraG's user avatar
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Phone with physical keypad and hotspot DESIGN Sizes: 4.13 x 2.08 x .736 in. Weight: 4.16oz Color: Black Finish: Micro textured back cover MEMORY ROM/RAM: 8GB ROM / 1GB RAM SD Support: microSD™ ...
user26252's user avatar
1 vote

Phone with physical keypad and hotspot

Any mod capable Moto Z series device can be equipped with a Livermorium sliding keyboard mod, although as of answering this question it is out of stock from the manufacturer but should be available by ...
acejavelin's user avatar

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