I am searching for finding some low price android phone (+- $50) which can install the Clubhouse app. I know the app needs the android V7 for it, and I found the INVENCE H2 mobile phone with android V10 and 1Gb ram but I was unable to install the clubhouse app on it. I'd as such like to get a low price android phone to exclusively use for installing and using the clubhouse.
1 Answer
I can´t comment, because of this I will write an answer (I hope this is fine!). You probably don´t want to miss on performance completely. Maybe you could check out used Xiaomi phones in your region? Xiaomi offers pretty good performance for the price. In general you could use a compare site to figure good stats and prices out.
Maybe you could also ask in the Android Stack?
Android Enthusiasts explicitly disallows recommendation questions, such as apps and phones recommendation. Commented Jan 8, 2022 at 2:52
Oh, I didn´t know that! Sorry! :) But good to know in this case! Thanks a lot!– CelvinCommented Jan 8, 2022 at 12:54