I bought several inexpensive new 7″ and 10″ Android tablets from different manufacturers. The screens on all of them are quite poor. You have to look at them at just the right angle to get a reasonably good image. Straight-on viewing is no good, nor is anything at more than a 20° angle.
I even wrote this SuperUser question asking about what has changed in LED screen manufacturing.
Can anyone recommend inexpensive 7″–11″ Android tablets that have good quality screens? By ‘good quality screen’, I mean something that when viewed straight-on looks perfect, and is usable at a minimum of 30° in all 4 directions.
I don’t have a requirement of the screen technology (IPS, etc.). Although more pixels is better, I prefer image quality over pixel density.
The Android version must be 4.4 ‘KitKat’ or later.
I would like as low of a price as possible, but am not going to set a price requirement because I don’t know the starting price point for a tablet with a good screen.