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4 votes

What are my options for a thumb trackball for gaming?

If you liked the Logitech M570 they now have the MX Ergo Plus, it has received favorable reviews with some minor complaints; price being the biggest concern. There's also the Elecom M-XPT1MRBK for a ...
Rob's user avatar
  • 241
3 votes

Are there any budget Bluetooth trackballs?

Just buy the MX Ergo. Unfortunately, trackballs are a fairly narrow market with not a ton of demand; unsurprisingly, this means that prices aren't exactly the most competitive. Finding something ...
JMY1000's user avatar
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2 votes

Looking for a small analog pointing device, suitable for attaching to a tented split keyboard

This was a hard one to find! This is my recommendation, the Griffin PowerMate Multi-Media Control Knob with Bluetooth Connectivity - Wirelessly control your Mac from Volume to Key Commands It has ...
BigElittles's user avatar
1 vote

Thumb-driven wireless trackball with a tilting scrollwheel

I found two thumb-driven wireless trackballs with tilt wheels that are compatible with Windows: Logitech MX ERGO ELECOM M-XT3DRBK
pacoverflow's user avatar

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