I seem to have endless problems with inkjet printers, and I'm not entirely sure why. I'm well aware that the whole printer market works on a topsy-turvey model driven by selling as much expensive ink refills as possible, but that doesn't wholly explain the issues.
I don't, generally, use a printer very often. When I wanted to, it seemed almost every time it would complain about some shortage of ink and refuse to print. If I wanted a grayscale output, it'd fail to print because it was out of cyan or something. If I wanted to print an image in black and white, it'd fail because the larger black "text" cartridge was empty. To get things to work, I had to buy a whole new set of cartiridges every few documents, which seemed ludicrous.
I tried buying well-reviewed printers and that didn't seem to make any difference. Then I read somewhere that inkjet printers had a problem with infrequent use - the ink dried out. That seemed to explain the issue. However the recommended solution - a laser printer - wasn't helpful. I could afford one, but they're too big to fit anywhere in my modest house. Miniature ones seem not to exist.
Speaking to friends and family however, made me doubt myself. No-one else seems to have these problems with inkjet printers. Was it me, trying to refil them with budget inks? I don't know any more.
As my kids have gotten older, they've needed a printer at home more and more frequently, and my inkjets have always failed them. Now my current model (a Canon) has actually bust and I need a new one. Ideally it will have a built in scanner too. But most of all I just want a printer that I can go to and use when needed - even if there are large gaps between use - and have it work!
I am happy to pay a premium for this if necessary, and I am happy to pay for a laser printer if one exists that's about the same size as a large inkjet.