I just got an Oculus Rift, and now I need a PC to use it with. My question is, what is the cheapest available PC that I can use an Oculus Rift with?

Note: I don't want to have to build a PC, I want something I can just buy and use.

The cheapest I've found is this Cyberpower PC, which is $720. Does anyone know if there's anything cheaper?

EDIT: I found a cheaper one, another Cyberpower PC for $650. Is there anything cheaper than that?

EDIT 2: I ultimately went with the $720 Cyberpower PC I linked to above. So my question is now moot. But I'll leave it up for the benefit of others.

  • I've found Cyberpower PC to not have very good value for the computers they sell. Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 5:40
  • I know that you don't want to build your own, but something like this costs 716usd and has a much better cpu, gpu and ram than both of the machines you linked. This disclaimer applies, though.
    – ave
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 6:13
  • @BennettYeo I don't really want "good value", I just want to be able to use my Oculus Rift. Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 12:53
  • @KeshavSrinivasan if you mention cheapest, don't you mean good value -> lowest price for the performance? I think you don't want to pay 50 dollar more for a similar pc
    – Houbie
    Commented Jun 22, 2017 at 10:17
  • @Houbie No, I don't mean that. I just want to be able to use my Oculus Rift for the least possible amount of money. I don't really care about "good value". Commented Jun 22, 2017 at 14:18

1 Answer 1


I would start by saying that, as a person who had little knowledge about building a computer, but ended up doing exactly that, building is definitely the route i would take when building a Virtual Reality capable machine.

Couple of reasons for this:

  • You get exponentially more power for your money.
  • I personally cannot bear to spend more than necessary, and market pre-built gaming computers generally have a large markup.

With that out of the way, Oculus actually have a recommended list of computers here on their site. One that sticks out to me in the kind of price range you are mentioning above is the Lenovo IdeaCentre Y700.

The first in the range of these models actually starts at $649, which should have plenty enough power to run VR games.

There is actually a reason why I would recommend this over your $650 Cyberpower PC, (some people are not going to like this), but it has a NVidia GPU. In my experience, most (not all) VR experiences run much better on NVidia cards, but don't hold me to that as I have no solid or documented proof, I have tried both and I personally preferred the NVidia experience overall.

Another point to mention is that this computer sports an Intel processor, but that AMD vs Intel is a very contentious topic, and I don't feel it is my place to start an argument on that. (I recommend Intel by the way :p)

I threw together a price on PCPartPicker, but for the ease of purchase and performance, I couldn't recommend the Y700 more, it seems like a really good deal.

  • I ultimately bought the $720 Cyberpower PC (this one), so my question is now moot. But just so the bounty doesn't go to waste, I'm awarding it to you. Commented Jun 23, 2017 at 23:37

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