I'm pretty new to custom PCs but I would like to upgrade the RAM as the PC has gotten pretty slow.

There are four ram slots and there are two 4.00 GB DDR3 SDRAM 799MHz RAM sticks in it ideally I would like 16GB of RAM in total. I do not know which or what type or RAM I should get that will be compatible. Any suggestions?

  • 1
    See How to find which RAM to get for my computer?
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 6:52
  • 1
    The thing is that DDR3 is pretty expensive nowadays, so look at a local price comparison site if 2x8 or 2x4 is cheaper, in the case of 2x8 you replace the RAM, in the case of 2x4 you add the RAM, but do note it has to be DDR3 else it won't fit
    – Irsu85
    Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 7:33

2 Answers 2


Crucial and Kingston both have compatibility pages for this comptuer. You will likely see more improvement by upgrading your storage to a SSD (aslo in the linked lists) than you will from increasing the RAM.


As an alternative to the other answer which mentions referencing compatibility pages for the computer, if there are spare RAM slots what I have done is obtain the part number of the currently installed DIMMs and then either:

  • Obtain more of the same part number
  • If can't find the exact same part number, look at the specification of the part number, to find a replacement with the same specification

Details of the installed DIMMs can be obtained from the booted operating system. E.g. from Windows 11 Power Shell (filtered to reduce the verbosity):

> Get-WmiObject win32_physicalmemory | Format-Table Manufacturer,DeviceLocator,PartNumber,Capacity

Manufacturer DeviceLocator PartNumber         Capacity
------------ ------------- ----------         --------
Hynix        CPU0-DIMM1    HMA81GR7AFR8N-VK 8589934592
Hynix        CPU0-DIMM3    HMA81GR7CJR8N-VK 8589934592
Hynix        CPU0-DIMM6    HMA81GR7CJR8N-VK 8589934592
Hynix        CPU0-DIMM8    HMA81GR7AFR8N-VK 8589934592

The above example is from a PC which had two DIMMs fitted originally, and then fitted two more DIMMs from the same manufacturer. There are two different part numbers HMA81GR7CJR8N-VK and HMA81GR7AFR8N-VK since couldn't find the exact same part number for the upgrade.

Under Linux sudo dmidecode -t memory reports the installed DIMMs.

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