I've been working on a number of electronics projects lately, and while I have a 'scope, it's fairly poor to use (it's one of those pocket ones, and I have complaints about its usability).
Do you know of any PC-connected oscilloscopes that use open-source software? There's the Analog Discovery 2, and the OpenScopeMZ, but those both use either Waveforms (which is closed-source, though free) or Waveforms Online (or whatever) which is allegedly open-source, but that doesn't count since it can't be completely run locally (as far as I know).
WFO supposedly can run offline, but that's only the case as long as I don't close my browser or reboot for a kernel update. If it can be downloaded as a standalong webpage to run offline, that's a different story.
Anyway, please let me know what systems are both good quality and have an application that works offline and is open-source. Thanks!
I've moved the question over here from regular SE since I've been told it fits better. I still don't have access to tags that fit the question better, though.