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Questions tagged [rfid]

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information.

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Certified NFC OEM module

I searched long time in the Meta threads to understand if my questions was on-topic (i.e. here and here) and it seems so. If not, please just tell me and I'll delete the question. No need for ...
Mark's user avatar
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Grounding RFID reader hard casing to reduce interference?

I am using an Invengo XCRF807 RFID reader to write and read extremely small RFID tags (Murata LXMS21NCMH-230). Writing such tags is difficult as they need to be within mm of my antennae. The Invengo ...
Nakx's user avatar
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Cheap RFID/NFC reader and *writer* which has a programmable (serial port?) interface?

I would like to use an ESP32, would settle for Raspberry PI. I seek an RFID and/or NFC reader/writer, which I can use C/C++/Python code to read and write the serial number (terminology?) of a tag. ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Can PN532 RFID used as a dynamic tag?

I have a use case where a device with NFC setup should act as tag and that tag configuration would be different every time with different URL mapped to the tag. For example, the device tag will have ...
Dany's user avatar
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rfid readers 915 - 917 MHZ?

I need to track items in gold jewelry store usig RFID, located in Israel. I am looking for an RFID reader, which works within 915-917 MHz and matches israeli law.
adam kaplan's user avatar
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Bendable UHF Whip Antenna for RFID Scanner

I'm building an RFID scanning apparatus, which is going to be attached to a potato harvester, and I'm trying to find a suitable antenna. Because of where said antenna is going to be placed on the ...
Tom Hosker's user avatar
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Need a somewhat broad rf antenna to detect cellphone rf

If I were trying to detect cellphones by detecting their rf communication with cell towers I would need an antenna and an rf detector which connects to the antenna. Cell phones operate at a variety of ...
alexv9's user avatar
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Programmable RFID card

I'm new to RFID technology and cryptography. So, I'm trying to apply light weight cryptography in RFID tags as a part of my project. I'm already able to read and write information in some passive ...
Ashutosh Sahu's user avatar
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Cheap portable RFID reader with 2 to 3 metre range

I don't mind cobbling one together with a Raspberry Pi & accessories, if that is possible. In fact, it might be a bonus if I can program it myself. But that isn't a requirement. Otherwise, I am ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Access control system for a club

A UK-based friend has asked my to recommend a single access control system for a members club/bar* with a single door. (* despite the "home-security" tag). [Update] he now tells me that it should ...
Mawg's user avatar
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Recommandations for small warehouse RFID management with detectors including batteries

As a computer technician, I have about 500 IT equipements to manage (hard drives, computers, displays, printers, a.s.o.). I'm looking for a passive RFID equipment in order to know for each equipment ...
OuzoPower's user avatar
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RFID solution for reading multiple tags

I am working on a Robot-project where a sub task is have to check how many and which RFID-tags are placed in a bucket. Multiple tags will be placed into the bucket - so I run into the problem with ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Build a Timing system (RFID)

I volunteer in an association that raises funds to fight cancer. We do various activities. Since 3years we organize a Run&Bike but the number of participants increase every year and the timing ...
Quentin's user avatar
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