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Which laptop hardware setup is the fastest and most optimized for programming?

I'll be buying a new laptop and while searching for information for the best configuration I haven't yet found one website where there is clear real-world use-case information regarding the best setup ...
Arman Shahinyan's user avatar
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Programming laptop ('18)

I am thinking about replacing my old Samsung 700T (Intel Core i5 3317U 1700MHz / 4Gb RAM / 3G / touchscreen) laptop. Is there something on the market which is close to it in terms of usability, just ...
Igor Soloydenko's user avatar
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Laptop for developer

can you advice me some good laptops for back end development? Primary I need good procesor for running servers like, Geoserver, IIS, and so on (i7 ?) and a lot of RAM (12-16GB or more). I do not know ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar