I need to send some sensor data from a kit car to pit garage. Normally I would use 4G to send the data over the internet but the place where the vehicle will race does not have reception of any kind. I don't know of any technology that allows me to receive information from sensors under these conditions:

  1. Must maintain connection within a two kilometer radius
  2. It should not take more than 2 seconds to receive packets
  3. Must work without Line of Sight (since mounds of earth are expected)
  4. up to 1mbit of bandwidth
  • Hi JB, welcome to Hardware Recs! By "off-grid", do you also mean without power, or just without cell signal? If the former, your options will be severely limited and won't come close to 1 Mbps of bandwidth. If the latter, you'll probably be limited by how many hills are in the way; 2.4 GHz or 900 MHz directional radio should do 2 km easily, but even 900 MHz is only going to go through a few hills. Any more than that and you'll be looking at something lower frequency, which will probably have less than 1 Mbps of bandwidth and require an FCC license (at least in the US.)
    – JMY1000
    Commented Jan 16 at 23:35

2 Answers 2


I'm going to assume you mean off-grid as in you don't have a cell signal and you need a signal to perform said tasks, if that's the case depending who you use as a mobile carrier you can buy what's called a signal booster through your phone's carrier or you may can even find some 3rd party ones for cheap, most phone carriers also have what is called a FEMTO cell and is kind of similar but usually used for more permanent homes in rural areas. Either way both options should provide you with a signal depending how far away you are and how much interference there is.

  • 1
    Doesnt it make this non-offgrid then? Commented Feb 8 at 20:34
  • Yes, which is why I was confused at the start of my response, and which is why i said im assuming because i dont know of any technology that can do what he is asking while being "offgrid" Commented Feb 8 at 23:39

If money is no object then you can use long range Wifi. Here is one example. I am not associated with it and I have not used it myself. But there are many such devices available for rural/farm use.

Tenda 5GHZ 16dBi 11ac Outdoor CPE

  • Incredible range up to 6 miles
  • 16dBi dual polarized antenna
  • Wireless data rates up to 450Mbps
  • Robust construction
  • Simple and flexible installation
  • Uses TD-MAX for greater performance
  • Centralized management with CPE Assistant

If one in each car is too expensive, then use something similar to traverse the distance and then use a wifi extender to rebroadcast around the track.

  • The antenna suggested by you is a directional antenna. How do you keep a directional antenna orientated exactly in the direction of the receiver in a moving (race) car ?
    – summerrain
    Commented Mar 3 at 2:54

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