I've seen a lot of "Wich laptop should I buy?" questions but noone fits my needs.
I'm a web developer (situated in Italy) with actually no computer at home since mine power supply burned out (yeah it might sounds stupid but that's what it is) and I want to move into the laptops world.
This is what I'm looking for:
I want to get into the world of linux distros and maybe install also windows (as I mainly work onto windows project), so i'm considering using a Dual Boot system.
"CPU > GPU" As I will repair my old desktop pc with a new power supply, I will mainly play videogames into my old pc, so a super powerful Gpu isn't needed. Let's say that "the heaviest game" that I would play wuold be League of legends or something like that. Mainly I will program with this pc so a nice Cpu is the way I will go go.
16 gb of ram, so I can run as many tasks as I needs, but i think I can get away with 8 gb of ram.
A nice keyboard is mandatory as I will be writing stuff all the times.
The chances of me watching any movies on this pc are very high, so a decent display would be greatly appreciated.
No particular requests regarding the storage space and the noise of the fans
The thinner the better. But I could also consider "thick" computers
Last but not least, the price. I wuold stay in the 500 euros range. The lower it is the better.
I've seen that many of you guys are recommending the thinkpad, but i don't know which model will fits my needs best as I'm not involved into hardware as I was before.
so i'm considering using a Dual Boot system
" - I would recommend against this. Yes, the o/s will run quicker natively, but rebooting is a pain. I recommend a Virtual Machine (specifically Virtual Box). That might need more RAM, though, to run both at once (although Linux needs far less RAM than Windows).