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Questions tagged [cluster-computing]

For questions about computing using resources from multiple physically connected computers.

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Best hardware for a cluster of linux machines

I have a third party software which needs a lot of RAM for its functionality. I also have a method to make the software run in a distributed manner so that I am able to run it in hosts with limited ...
hermit907's user avatar
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sfp+ switch for linux cluster

I would like to build a linux computing cluster (multiple identical PCs connected via high speed networking so that they behave, for scientific calculations, like a single big "PC", with ...
radui's user avatar
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How to find out the generation of my Intel Xeon Gold 6130 processor? [closed]

me and some colleauges want to use cluster-computing to do fast deep learning inference. We thought about using OpenVINO by intel as to do so. However, OpenVINO requires 6th to 8th generation Intel ...
tre95's user avatar
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Single board computer to support laptop for scientific computations

I am looking for a single board computer to discover the possibility of using them as a computing unit to support my laptop. I would like to try four or five of those SBCs and use them for ...
Turtle's user avatar
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Alternative game-console cluster to PS3

PlayStation 3 cluster provided high-performance computing for reasonable price. One example was Condor Cluster (a US Air Force supercomputer built out of 1,760 Sony PlayStation 3s running the Linux ...
kenorb's user avatar
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