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Questions tagged [api]

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2 votes
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Can bus / OBDII reader to export data via API

I need to buy a can bus scanner, through OBD2 port, that provide API service for extract raw data (like AutoPi TMU: Do you know anything like ...
Luca's user avatar
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2 votes
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Paid Laundry Coin-Free

I am a landloard in Canada and I want to implement a paid washing machine solution without buying a commercial coin laundry. I want to use a regular washing machine that is cheaper, better looking, ...
michael_kuzmin's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

GPS Tracker to integrate with server

I'm building a system to track school buses that would provide real time updates about the whereabouts of the bus for the students on a mobile app. So I'm looking for a GPS device. Following would be ...
Shashwat Black's user avatar
4 votes
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Bootable hardware-encrypted USB stick

My goal is to find a USB stick with hardware encryption in order to access the APIs and unlock the partition with a password. The difference between a normal USB stick with hardware encryption is that ...
IlGala's user avatar
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