We are in search for a business document scanner with following scan options, all done over a ADF.
Simplex: front side
Duplex: front and back side
- Simplex scan of every sheet to its own PDF.
- Simplex scan of all sheets to one PDF.
- Duplex scan of every sheet to its own PDF (One PDF with front and back side).
- Duplex scan of all sheets to one PDF.
We talked with a supplier of ours and got a Brother ADS-2800W from him, but its incapable of mode nr 3. After some research and getting back with the Brother Support, none of Brothers Scanner is apparently capable of nr 3.
Of course we also tried the usual ways (google, product comparison websites and all those "Best Scanners of >>insert year here<<"-Reviews) but none of those gave the information needed or didnt comply with at least one criteria.
- A4 sheet size
- Modes listed above
- Desktop size
- Save to SMB Network Share
- Price of 600€ / $ top
Thanks in advance for any kind of help!