I'm a professional web developer - and I'm looking at buying a new laptop.
The common tasks I'm doing are:
- Running webpack dev server
- Running jest tests
- Running nodemon
- Building docker images
- Having Slack/Multiple Chrome Windows/VSCode/Spotify open at the same time.
- Potentially running a VirtualBox VM.
- I use Ubuntu 18.04.
My current pain points are:
- Waiting for webpack to recompile and reload (might take 2-10 seconds, and I'm really looking to make this as little as possible).
- Computer starts maxing out CPU if I'm running dev server and jest and other things at the sametime.
As far as I can see - webpack only runs on a single thread while Jest tests will run in paralell.
The question is - if I'm looking at a high-end laptop which kind of processor do I need to be looking at?
Are some of the newer i9/threadripper type CPUs going to be good for the single threaded processing - or should I be sticking to something like an i7?
Are there any benchmarks that most closely approximate running webpack dev server and jest tests?
As an additional consideration - how relevant is the GPU?
As it currently stands - it looks like the computer I'll be getting will be some kind of gaming computer - just because those are the most cost effective for processor, memory, SSD etc.
Gaming computers put a lot of emphasis of the GPU - and I'm wondering for that extra $200 kind of thing, how much value I'll be getting.
I know that GPUs are relevant in some aspects of computing (like machine learning, which to be honest, I'm not likely to be getting into), and that some GPUs have the ability to share CPU load.
- Are there any GPUs/types of GPUs I should be looking out for?
- Are there any tasks I should be aware of where a good GPU would provide value?