I am looking for a small server or nas for my home plaything It should be able to perform the following tasks.
- Function as Media server / net drive / TV-streaming / music-streaming
- Have FTP server
- host Webserver / mysql db
- small hyper-v cluster 1-4 VMs
- Backup my PC hardrives and all the above
- maybe mirror the backup automatically (not an backup expert) 10TB to 20TB to be backed up
I heard NAS's nowadays are pretty good? Are there solutions which can all of the above?
Or would you recommand to spliting the funcs, between devices.
Or build my own server/case with hardware components and use a specific OS and controller?
Or maybe I should use actually labeled server to not to have problems with performance?
Webserver would be running a few webpages(nothing user intensive) as well as be my test env. for private Hyper-Vs would be running SQL server and a few api connections streaming realtime data into the db as well as into some applications performing tasks ~ few gb a month.
Costa quanta?