I am looking for a wireless "home security" type camera that has an onboard web interface I can access, instead of one that forces me to sign up for an external service - even a "free" service.
I started out years ago with the D-Link DCS-930 and DCS-932L wireless cameras, which allow direct wifi access, and wrote my own (very simple) website to access them remotely from my phone. Unfortunately, those cameras gradually stopped working over time, and their direct replacement, the D-Link DCS-936L, has also been discontinued.
I have tried more modern camera models from Wyze and D-Link, but they have removed all direct access and now demand that you pipe your camera video through their "free" sites in order to use their hardware.
I would rather keep direct control of the video feeds from inside my home, instead of sending them through a server at Google or Ring or D-Link or Wyze where they could be watched by - well, anybody, really.
Is anyone aware of a wireless camera that still has this capability?