My 5th pair of Apple Earbuds broke about a week ago and I'm done. (RIP 2012-2015). I'm looking for a good pair of headphones that will last me long. I'm not going to buy another pair of Earbuds, because I DID, and those were an even bigger pain in the butt.
1. PC and iPod4 I will be using both devices frequently and a pair of headphones without this support will not be considered.
2. Microphone. I am sick of using my iPod4 for skype calls and will need a microphone so I can get better call quality. Please, don't make a recommendation with a separate mike.
3. Wired. If it is not possible for the mobile devices to support one cable, then split microphone and audio are fine.
4. Warranty. This must come with AT LEAST a 30-day warranty. 1 YR would be ideal, but it think it may be far-fetched.
5. Color. Must be black with blue or black with red. I will allow black-with-X combos.
6. Under $45. The black Friday sales are coming soon so I expect these not to be that costly. The lower the better. If the headset only has the MUST-HAVES, then it should be under $35. However, don't cheap out; try to find a good model with ALL or most of the optional (but wanted) features.
- LED LIGHTS. They don't have to be customizable, but that would be great.
- CONTROLLER. A controller on the wire would be great fully appreciated. Should have
mute mike
,mute audio
, andlouder
. Mute mick is optional, rest must be if there is a controller.