I need to buy or build a Raid 5 NAS system that is somewhat reliable. 70% of its use will bemainly for storage (such as for back ups), the remaining 30% will be for accessing files from the Intranet.
Looking at an entry level NASI am considering to use FreeNas server: what hardware would you recommend for a system with 5 HDD (4 or 5 bays) I found it to go from $200 to about $800, an amount of money that I cannot affordtotal 3.5TB)?
I also have a working PCpc sitting in the storage room unused with these specs: an AMD Quadcoremy garage, not too old (quadcore, 8Gb Ramram, a standard 18" display120Gb SSD) but which has only three Sata access, a videoso looking online I found this card: (unsure what kind) and of course a MBSYBA SY-PCI40010 PCI SATA II (3.0 Gb/s) RAID Controller Card (also unsure what kind). Eventually i can add a 120Gb SSD to runhere the OS.
Somebody from AskUbuntu suggested me to look into FreeNas and I was wondering if itlink) Do you think is difficoultposisble for a newbieme to connect three extra HDD to this card and create a NASRaid 5 system with FreeNas on this separated PC. I plan to add all my sparea total of five or six HDD (5 x 250GB).?