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Let's discuss on the parts of my friend's new PC build [closed]

Here is my list of the parts on amazon of the new PC i am going to build for my friend. I need some experienced advice if that build is okay on that ~700 pounds budget or how it can be better on the ...
csandreas1's user avatar
5 votes
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SSD / HDD choice when write speed is slow - developer workstation and for games

SanDisk Internal SSD 120GB 2.5-Inch SDSSDA-120G-G25 costs Rs. 3600 (~$53) Sandisk SSD 128gb SATA 2.5, Z400s costs Rs. 3800 (~$56) SanDisk 128GB SDSSDP-128G-G25 cost Rs. 3900 (~$58) Samsung 850 EVO ...
surpavan's user avatar
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1TB or more HDD for Playstation 4

What type of hard drive should I be looking for a Playstation 4? I am usually partial towards SSD over traditional, but I am also open to the idea of hybrids as well. I have looked into Samsung 850 ...
Simple Sandman's user avatar