
  • need to run 2 monitors - 1920X1080 and 1280x720 with recording @30fps during coding
  • No or little gaming
  • multitasking include coding on android studio and watching videos on youtube running software like VS code, IDE From JetBrains, Android Studio, BB FlashBack recorder for screen capturing, general web development.

current parts https://in.pcpartpicker.com/list/v2wnf8

There is a situation I need to handle. Here I am going with the R7 240 2GB DDR3 XFX card which has both HDMI and VGA outs. I have an old monitor HP w15e which has only VGA port. I am going to get a new monitor 1080p which is DELL-SE2216H and has both HDMI and VGA connection.

problem: I will use dell as primary monitor and hp as secondary using "extend display" feature on windows 10. I am thinking of connecting dell using HDMI and hp using VGA. Can i use both HDMI and VGA at the same time to extend the screen?

So on the desktop
HDMI from gfx card-->dell 1080p
VGA from gfx card-->hp 720p

1 Answer 1


Can i use both HDMI and VGA at the same time to extend the screen?

Yes, this will work fine. The card supports multi-monitor configurations and has the outputs you have said you will be using. As far as hardware goes, there is no reason that your proposed configuration would not work.

Edit: In response to your comments, here's my recommendation: https://www.amazon.com/Gigabyte-DDR3-2GB-Graphics-GV-R724OC-2GI-REV2-0/dp/B00JRSPXMQ/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1504293362&sr=8-1&keywords=amd+R9

An R7 240 has all the ports you need, no adapters necessary, and it's a little more modern as far as a multi-monitor workstation / non-gaming card goes. It's not the newest thing out there but it's recent enough that it'll last longer than the card you posted about. It's also got better power efficiency than the card in the OP while meeting all of the required specs.

If that particular one sells out or something, you should be able to find some pretty similar cards by comparing the spec sheets. It may also help to compare the release dates for this card model to others, so you can find something from a similar generation. I'm recommending a card from around this time specifically because it will give you a good balance of pricing and longevity.

To answer your other questions, if you were to buy one of the more expensive cards you mentioned in the comments then I have two pieces of information to contribute. First, an RX 550 or a GTX 1050Ti is more power than you need, don't waste the money. If you do want to get one of those, then you just need a simple DVI -> VGA adapter. It's not an active adapter since the signal is going from digital to analog, the other way around you'd need a lightly more expensive active adapter.

  • as i am on a budget i am going with this card; i need to support both the screen at the same time while coding and recording the screen for teaching purpose at 30fps, is the card powerful enough for this or do i need to go with a GDDR5 card instead of ddr3; if there is a better card do suggest, this card is around 50usd here. Thanks
    – Doc
    Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 3:20
  • @Doc recording video is kind of a different ballpark. Please reply with the full system specs for the build and we can take a look at everything. www.pcpartpicker.com can help if you need a resource for listing everything. Also let me know if you are just recording so you can upload video later or if you are live streaming.
    – jcam3
    Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 3:55
  • the part list is in the post, i'll be using bb flashback pro software to record the screen, i won't record game playing and won't stream. just screen capture at 30fps for coding tutorials. after recording the software allows me to edit the file and export as mp4 for viewing.
    – Doc
    Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 6:07
  • @Doc I'd recommend something a bit newer to be honest. Getting like an Nvidia gtx 750 or maybe even a 950 should be easy to find at the price range you're looking for.
    – jcam3
    Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 6:14
  • i wont be gaming at all, i can have r7 240(in budget),or sapphire Rx 550 2gb(thrice the cost of R7- "no vga here") or zotac 1050Ti 4gb(4 times cost of r7)
    – Doc
    Commented Sep 1, 2017 at 6:39

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