I am looking to buy a new GPU for a half gaming half graphics design system.
Current specs are:
- i7-4790 CPU
- GTX 750 GPU
- 500 Watt PSU
- 2x 1TB HDD
Design Software in Use:
- Adobe Illustrator
- Sony Vegas Home Edition
- AutoDesk Inventor 2016
Budget: $250
I am looking for a slightly more powerful GPU (one for both rendering and gaming at 1080p 60fps), however I would like something relatively cheap (it would be even better if I do not have to upgrade the PSU). I was looking at the GTX 950 and GTX 960, however I am not sure which one is superior for the price to performance ratio. I would like to stay away from AMD GPUs because they would require me to purchase a new PSU. The main question is, am I overlooking a better video card for my needs? Or would one suggest the GTX 950 or the GTX 960?