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3 votes

4K Monitor for programming

According to my sources (and I have a detailed answer on SU on the subject, including a handy graph and links to a spreadsheet) - 27" is *pretty" darned close to the sweetspot for PC use. I game on a ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
3 votes

32" curved 4K (UHD) monitor with IPS or better viewing angles

I would say that it is better to get an adjustable VESA stand on Amazon, than to actively search out for a monitor with an adjustable stand on it. Hemundu Monitor Stand VIVO Monitor Stand VIVO Tall ...
Trevor Hummer's user avatar
1 vote

24 or 27" UHD/4K monitor for developer. Dell U2718Q?

Ultimately I did buy the Dell U2718Q, when it was on sale. Very happy with it. My laptop and the U2718Q are both capable of 3840x2160, but I'm running them at 2560x1600. U2718Q via the mini display ...
JasonPlutext's user avatar
1 vote

4K Monitor for programming

I use two Samsung UE590Ds, and would recommend 4k for both programming and games. I run Visual Studio and a large array of steam games. Recommendations Use 30" or 27" /w a close desk setup. I do end ...
Gram's user avatar
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1 vote

Graphic card which supports 1xUDH and 2xFull HD output

At first, I would recommend you to rethink your Monitor Setup, UHD uses twice as many pixels in height than HD. If you move objects from one screen to another or just look from one to another, you ...
Etaila's user avatar
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