I was hoping someone would be able to recommend which Intel skylake CPU will give me longest battery life? m3, m5 or m7?
I am a uni student, thinking about buying a Surface Pro 4 (or clone from Lenovo Miix 700, Dell XPS 12, HP Spectre x2, etc) and main tasks will be word processing, web surfing and email, downloading and watching lectures, youtube. I am planning on making the purchase in december.
I am planning on optimising Windows 10 to give me longest battery life... and need help with selection of CPU when making Surface Pro 4 (or clone) purchase. I am planning on 8gb RAM and 256gb ssd
Can I please get some opinions? Which m3/m5/m7 Intel Skylake CPU is best optimised for battery life, when win 10 is optimised for battery life.
Also, any recommendations on how to optimise MS win 10 for battery life will be appreciated.